I thought since this was going to be my first post on my new blog I would talk about elements of improving your blog. In my book “NetEASY Marketing” I have an entire chapter on building your online brand, and I think blogging is one of the most important tools that you can utilize, no matter what industry you are in.
When it comes to blogging some people believe writing may be more difficult than filming a video, but it also provides more visibility on the Internet. Most search engines only search text on the Internet, so it’s important that part of your presence online is ad copy or text content that is updated as frequently as possible. Search engines place preference on content that is fresh and updated in their ranking and search results. The relevance of blogging on the Internet is more powerful today than ever before. Blogging has gotten to be so important that thousands of people make money just from blogging, and even one of the original blogging platforms, Word Press, has become one of the fastest-growing platforms for building new websites on the Internet. This website you are viewing right now is actually completely built on Word Press which is the type of blog that I recommend you use when you set up your blog if you have not already done so.
My suggestions for your blog are as follows:
1. Choose your blog platform and the name of your blog if you haven’t already done so.
2. Choose a theme that represents you and the brand you want to create. Most blog platforms give you the ability to choose colors, designs, or upload photos to help customize your theme.
3. Write about relevant content for your friends, family, prospects, customers and your everyday reader. Before you post online think about who the content is best suited for, and think about whether or not topics and content are relevant before you ever post.
4. Discuss the benefits of the lifestyle you are trying to create with your business; freedoms, time off, time spent with family, vacations, new purchases, new outlooks on life and powerful quotes. These are some of the best benefits of a home based business so make sure you are highlighting them in your blog.
5. Keep your content fresh: post something on your blog at least once a week and try to be consistent. Even when you’re busy, remember to update your blog. This is something I am going to be trying to improve on with my new blog inside my new website.
6. Mix up your content with videos, photos and text content. Blogs are much easier for search engines to find content on than social media sites, so if you are posting photos and videos on social sites try to share the same content or similar content on your Blog at the same time.
7. Interview people or link in information from experts on topics you are discussing. It is nice to mix up the content from time to time, so that it is not always your content.
8. Join other blogs and post comments that link back to your blog to get additional followers. Don’t spam other blogs with websites and links, but if you can add content to a topic or a forum and link back to your blog then you will spread your internet presence.
9. Mention current events or newsworthy items that will catch people’s attention and that can also help your blog show up on more search engines. If you take current events or topics that may be trending on the news or social media sites, and you link to those events and discuss them on your blog it will draw in more people who are interested in that specific event.
10. Integrate ad sense or some form of monetization on your blog so you can start to monetize your content in addition to building your brand. Blogger has a very easy platform that integrates Google AdSense since Google owns Blogger. You probably are not going to generate millions from your blog, but it will be some nice extra money for something that you should be doing anyway to build your brand for your existing business.
These are some of the best tips I have learned when it comes to blogging and creating your online presence. If you want more information on building your brand on the internet make sure you check out my book “NetEASY Marketing.”